non-voting shares — /nɒn vəυtɪŋ ʃeəz/ plural noun shares which do not allow the shareholder to vote at meetings (also called ‘A’ shares) … Dictionary of banking and finance
Non-voting stock — is stock that provides the shareholder very little or no vote on corporate matters, such as election of the board of directors or mergers. This type of share is usually implemented for individuals who want to invest in the company’s profitability … Wikipedia
non-voting — /nɒn ˈvoʊtɪŋ/ (say non vohting) adjective 1. not voting: the non voting sector of the community. 2. not eligible to vote: a non voting member of the committee. 3. not giving eligibility to vote: non voting shares …
non-voting — UK US adjective [before noun] ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET used to describe company shares that do not allow their owners the right to vote at shareholder meetings: »We own 500 shares of Class A non voting stock in the company. »The IRS agreed that… … Financial and business terms
non-voting — adj. not having or using a vote. Derivatives: non voter n. * * * non voˈting adjective 1. Not voting 2. (of shares, etc) not giving the holder the right to vote on company decisions • • • Main Entry: ↑non … Useful english dictionary
voting share — ➔ Share * * * voting share UK US noun [C] (also voting stock [U]) FINANCE, STOCK MARKET ► a company share that gives its owner the right to vote at shareholder meetings: »He holds 18% of the company s voting shares. »The family controls 43% of… … Financial and business terms
Non-Controlling Interest — An ownership stake in a corporation where the held position gives the investor no influence on how the company is run. The majority of investor positions are deemed to be a non controlling interest because their ownership stake is so… … Investment dictionary
Voting share — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Non-English press of the Socialist Party of America — Logo of the Socialist Party of America, established August 1901. For a number of decades after its establishment in August 1901, the Socialist Party of America produced or inspired a vast array of newspapers and magazines in an array different… … Wikipedia
Cumulative voting — Part of the Politics series Electoral methods Single winner … Wikipedia
Proxy voting — Part of the Politics series Electoral methods Single winner … Wikipedia